A Nonagenarian (90+) Ponders Life, the Universe, and Aging
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I'm Not Dead
To my readers: Family concerns are currently preventing me from
posting to "Don To Earth", and from responding to the numerous
e-mails that I have received and continue to receive.
Hi Don, I'm a new reader to your blog and I have to say I echo the sentiments of the others here. I hope everything goes well with you and your family! As for yur choice of picture, glad to see you've a healthy sense of humor.
Family comes first, always, and along with the others, I appreciate the update...and the fact that you're still among us.
I watched the movie Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion last night (excellent movie, for those looking for something true-to-life). And as I watched the scenes immediately following the explosion, I couldn't help thinking of you, and wondering just how close the movie came to what actually happened. What a lucky kid you were to have had a fourth birthday!
Thanks for letting us know! I'm so glad to hear you're fine! Be well and take care of your family. I'll promise you, we will be here when you get back. (Must agree about the picture, though, it certainly made my heart sink, but love the irony).
kudos to you for always haning in there even when the going gets tough! take what time and energy you need to tend to your family concerns--just promise to leave a few morsels once in a while.
I became a fan shortly before you went "off line" and I find myself checking in often. I'm very keen for you to return. You speak of topics dear to my heart. I await your return eagerly.
I'm another one of the many who have found their way onto your insightful blog. You've really inspired me! I showed your blog to some of my friends, and the verdict is unanimous: you and your writing are something to be treasured.
Best wishes for your family from all of us over here in Ohio. :)
I saw the title of your blog on someone elses links. I had to come and see how old you are. Did you know that there is ablog written by a 107 year old lady called Olive? (Its called 'The Life of Riley' if you want to take a look.)
don, don't hurry back. if you're having family issues, they are WAY more important than us. you have a life besides your blogging , and ppl should just be patient. don't worry, we won't die without you =D i hope you the best with your family!
its a big relief, to know that you are ok, and i iwsh you all the best with what ever in life is taking you time at the moment, you have such a great outlook on life and an ability to get your thoughts and thinking into the world and make a diffrence to the little people lifes, i.e mine, i wish you all the best and look forward to reading you next insight into like the universe and whats goes on.
So glad you're ok! It's quite here with my husband reading and my daughter quietly watching TV. I spoke out load saying "OHH NOO!" and gave them all a start. (being quite and all) Your choice on image gave me quite a start. LOL I truly hope things clear up with whatever is going on with your family. Sending you all my extra warm thoughts and well wishes!
Hi all - just a quick note to say that Don is still fine and hopes to get back to blogging in the not-too-distant future. As for the picture - as far as I know it wasn't his choice :)
Dearest Don: (Hope you don't mind me calling you my dearest .. you truly are.) I am hoping all is well with you and your family. We are looking forward to hearing your soothing words soon. Kind Regards Maureen
I'm a great admirer of your writing and I miss your blogging very much. Hope everything is still well with you and you can grace us with your internetular presence soon.
Good Evening Don I found out about this blog on the program "The Hour" broadcasted 06/25/2007 and was captivated immediately I have spent the last couple of hours reading the most interesting history, I use to sit at my Grandparents table and listen to stories about "the early days" and was alway amazed how in the face of adversity one could always find something to smile about, I believe that my generation should step back to yester year and appreciate what has been done for us. I look forward to reading the next chapter All the best to you and yours
I saw you on The Hour on CBC. Thought is was interesting and with my Grandfather passing away, it makes me wonder what he was thinking in his final days. I'll keep checking back. I hope all goes well with your family.
I miss you Don. We don't know eachother, but I really really miss your wisdom. Ever few days I check your blog, and every few days I am dissapointed. Hope you are doing ok, your fan, Madepiphany
I was introduced to your blog by a family member of yours - I am honored he shared this with me.
Your blog has, and continues to touch those in cyberspace - you are missed, loved and thought of by many! It is my hope you are healthy, content and in high spirits - may God be with you and your family.
Dear Don, Did you not know that you are my Ghandi? Well, you are at least one of the Ghandis in my world today....please write soon, we miss you...one and all.
i hope things are ok for your family, don. glad to hear you haven't passed on, though as albus dumbledore says "death is just another adventure" best wishes my friend
If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey And asks you to show him your bum, do not show him your bum. This is a scam. He only wants to see your bum. I wish I had got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap. -The Bum http://www.widgetmate.com/posters Some of the best images available for free.
I can't believe it's been so long since the last post. I know Don doesn't do the typing so can the person who uploads for him PLEASE give us an update?
I am just one of those fortunate ones who happened to stumble across this blog and thus was introduced to a very pleasant gentleman who had much to say that, so rare in this day and age, was truly genuine and valuable. Don may very well have been the oldest blogger on the planet, but it mattered little, for he was one of us and in his own humble way became the patriarch of a very large family, albeit a virtual one. That being said........
We miss him. We have been patient and allowed him to tend to his troubles, but now that we have given due time, we feel that perhaps both the best and worst has happened to our aged friend. The best I speak of is that perhaps he has completed the circle of life and has now reached those conclusions that we all know await us. The worst I speak of is that he has been removed from our vast family and we will have to continue on without those thoughts that have nurtured us, his virtual family. In such a case we are indeed bereft.
We doubt very seriously that Don did not have family, and we would assume that someone related to him and responsible for him also knows of this blog and is capable of signing on, if only in comments, and let us know what has become of our friend. We would be most grateful if one of you would take the time to let us know the ultimate reason for Don's absence for such an extended period so that we may seek closure if necessary, or hold him in our thoughts or prayers if he needs them.
To "the michael" and Don's many other and loyal friends,
August 20, 2007
Don is alive and well. In fact, he and his beloved Margaret are looking forward to celebrating their 68th wedding anniversary on August 22! He thinks of you a lot and plans to return to blogging. It was not his intention to lose contact with you - in fact, each and every one of you is special to him, far more than you would ever realise. It was circumstances beyond his control that put an abrupt halt to his blog, but keep posted and you will be pleasantly surprised!!! Many thanks for your loyalty and for making my Dad feel so special.
Thank You. As you can see your father has a loyal and loving 'audience' of friends. Good to hear all is well and I, for one, look forward to his return. x
Do not worry. I am one of Don's daughters and I can tell you that he is alive and well. He and Margaret celebrated their anniversary yesterday. Someone is either misinformed or has a warped mind and is playing a not-so-funny joke by adding that last paragraph to his Wikipedia entry. I talked to him five minutes ago. He is in great spirits and making plans for his day.
Gosh Don... been months since we heard from you..... and with all the rumours floating around here n there... please come back and fill us with your wisdom soon.... and take care..... missing you.
Well, when you're 93, probably the last thing you want is to feel an obligation to thousands of people you don't know - you probably just want to focus on the people closest to you, and the things that really matter in your life! Best wishes to Don, and if you blog again I'll read it happily, but if you don't at least we know you're enjoying family time.
Hi Don, Well, I am glad you are not dead as I did not have time to tell you how I enjoyed my afternoon talking to you last week at Honda. What an amzing man you are and what a full life you have had, if only half the people on the planet could accomplish what you have done, we would have a better world. Then to find out that your wife was a MacLeod which is my name made my day. I told you there was a clan gathering in Ottawa next summer, here is the web site: www.macleodgathering2008.ca Hopefully you will be able to attend. I will spend more time on your blog and enjoy your adventures. All the best. Elaine
Just discovered your blog today, and I want to applaud not only the quality of writing you have given us all, but the enduring wisdom in that shines through in all you write.
Reading your thoughts reminds me of the courage, fragility and beauty of the human spirit.
Thanks for being willing to share your thoughts with all of us.
Hi Don, I am just watching your "Portrait of a Canadian" on the CBC show "The Hour" and wanted to pop in to check out your blog. Sorry to hear that all is not well with your family, I give you and your family my best.
By way of John Bowden's blog I have found my way here. You have a lot of really interesting post's to read and I look forward to spending more time here in future.
Hi Don: Thank you for attending my performance on Sat., Nov. 24, 2007 - and also for speaking with me after the show. Congratulations on you accomplishments and most of all for being sooooo'young at heart' - you have more energy than some of the young people I've encountered in my professional life. Hope to see you again in the near future. Keep up the great work - young man.
Being an Australian... now living in America... I will be honest in saying that I have never heard of you (I am sure that is nice to hear sometimes) but by chance I stumbled across your site... I must say that I really enjoy your writing... when I read what you are writing I find myself deep in what you are saying... it isn't often I find people doing that to me. Do hope all is well... best of luck...
I hope your blog stays online, even if you never post again. You have the most amazing writing style. I've really enjoyed perusing (and reading) through your older posts...stay here please!
Donald, I just discovered your blog tonight after 'google-ing' my own name and finding yours on zoominfo.com! I am an art curator at Cape Breton University Art Gallery in Sydney, Nova Scotia, and read with delight that you too were a curator. Also, i find you look like my grandfather, Ivan Crowdis. I hope your health is well. I would love to speak further with you if that would be ok. Cheers, Suzanne A. Crowdis Sydney, Nova Scotia
"Don to Earth" has remained in my blog roll for a long time, but now we are pressing nearly a year without update. Form the comments we can't tell too much as there is no date - just the time and over a year that becomes meaningless. So - here my questions - what the situation with Don, and should I keep this blog in my blogroll?
To all the many people who've been asking for information on Don and his blog:
Don is my grandfather and I can tell you he's doing fine. He didn't intend to take this long hiatus from the world of blogging and in fact has been writing ever since the last entry here. I've been meaning to set up the new blog for a long time, and it's really my fault that you haven't heard anything until now.
I hope you'll all enjoy the new site - you'll find it at www.dontoearthagain.com. Some of Don's writing from the past year is up already and there's much more to follow.
Thank you all for the kind messages posted here, they've been very much appreciated. Apologies once again for the delay in replying.
Hi Don: I met you in your office in Halifax in 1965. In 1970 I was in a doctor's waiting for my appointment and was unaware there was a radio program on in the background. The announcer said "OK Mr. Crowdis" (introducing Don Crowdis) and I got up from my chair and started to go into the doctor's office before I realized my mistake. Since we are related it is easy to see that you have that "Crowdis Look" and in fact you look nearly identical to my uncle John Crowdis who is also 93 and fit as a fiddle. Are you aware there was a detailed history of the Crowdis Family published in the US a few years ago? In any case I have a number of aunts who are over 100 so hope you reach that age as well. Best of Luck, Ray Crowdis
I might suggest that since the blog has moved and so many people are interested, that you create a new post announcing the move. Most people are not going to scroll 175 comments to see the information.
This would benefit your readers and for those of us who had you in our feeds, we would be notified.
dilkman - you're right of course, and I would love to add a new post to this blog but unfortunately I'm not able to do so, for reasons I can't really go into here.
I hope you are fine and in the best of health. I pray for you to age another 100 years
I am writing you from Afghanistan. I was searching the oldest blogger around the world and i am very happy i found you. I am teaching blogging for journalists and writers here in Kabul and they asked me who is the oldest blogger. Now i am introducing you for them.
thanks Afghan LORD from Afghanistan you can visit my blogs here: www.afghanlord.org www.kabuli.org http://afghanpenlog-en.blogspot.com
Hello, my name is Violeta Facio. I am an student of psicology in the University of Sevilla interested in searching some information about the use of the internet in old people. I am sorry if my language is not very correct but I am Spanish and I don´t have too much knowledges of English language. The reason why I am writting to you is to ask you if you could answer some easy and short questions for me in order to help me in my project. So, if you can give me any e-mail to contact with you I will send you the questions hoping you answer them and send them back to me.
WHAT update, it has been two years! Are you among the living, or are you crossed to the other side. Stop this madness and put up a new post even if you have to talk to someone else to do the typing. In any rate, God Bless You Don to Earth!
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Thank God! We were all so worried about you! (Seeing that picture, though, caused my heart to skip a beat).
I hope all goes well with your family, however. Thank you for updating us, though.
Dear Don,
Thank you for letting us know. What a huge relief. You have a lot of fans out here. We wish you and your family well!
Good to hear the update. Really hope things go well with your family.
Thanks for the update... you have a lot of fans that i'm sure were concerned that you hadn't posted. Hope all goes well with your family.
Be well, Don. We hope the concerns are quickly alleviated!
Glad to "read" you back, Don. Dying to read more from you.....
God bless!!
phew! - but can you choose a better graphic next time!!! I thought the worst when I saw that tombstone graphic.
I won't assume you're dead just because you don't post for a few days.
good show.
Glad to hear it! Uh... the "not dead" part I mean. I hope the family concerns smooth out for you soon!
just another "thanks to let us know" Its funny how one can become such an addict to a blog :-)
Thank God you are here (there). I just found you, I can't lose you.
Good luck with your family.
t'was worried due to the length of time since the prior post. my prayers be with thee and thine.
Good to know, Don! I was worrying too :)
I was beginning to worry, thank heavens you're still with us.
Hope everything keeps well with the family :S
Good to hear. A soul in Norway is relieved. Bless you.
So, what you're saying is that reports of your death have been greatly exaggerated!
Glad to hear you're still kicking, and our thoughts are with you as you work through these family matters.
That's so good to know, Don. I was worried about you.
Hi Don, I'm a new reader to your blog and I have to say I echo the sentiments of the others here. I hope everything goes well with you and your family! As for yur choice of picture, glad to see you've a healthy sense of humor.
Hi Don:
I feel absolute relief and joy to see you're back online--even with the sarcophagus,skull and crossbones to mark this entry!
Life is so precious and I am glad you're still with us enjoying it day by day.
Thank you for setting our minds at rest, Don. I hope things will ease for you soon so that you can come back to us with your wonderful writing.
Yea Buddy, Don's still kicking! Can't wait for the next update! Good to know your OK.
Huge sigh of relief... :)
Hope all is well soon...
Family comes first, always, and along with the others, I appreciate the update...and the fact that you're still among us.
I watched the movie Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion last night (excellent movie, for those looking for something true-to-life). And as I watched the scenes immediately following the explosion, I couldn't help thinking of you, and wondering just how close the movie came to what actually happened. What a lucky kid you were to have had a fourth birthday!
Don, did you pick the title and picture yourself? Doesn't seem like you...
I hope Life is being gentle.
Someone who cares
Very funny Don. I was almost liberated of my earthly toils when I saw the skull and crossbones.
Then I noticed the skull was laughing.
Wishing you the best with your family concerns.
Hooray!! Hooray!!
That's the best news today!!
Ms Soup
Thanks for the update Don. I hope all of your family concerns are soon resolved. We all look forward to your next post. Be well.
All the best Don! Good to know :D
you posted at last!
all of our best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks God, I am happy to hear from you Don. Although my heart rate really high when I was opening the page. Take care.
We care, you see. Much love,
British Female Lurker x
Whew. Oh, I'm so glad you're ok.
I hope everything gets better there for you.
Good thoughts coming your way!
Don, So good to see that your still amongst us. I have just recently met you and look forward to many, many life stories from you. Love....
-and here is another Norwegian soul happy to see you around. Good luck with your concerns!
Hi Don,
Thanks for letting us know! I'm so glad to hear you're fine! Be well and take care of your family. I'll promise you, we will be here when you get back. (Must agree about the picture, though, it certainly made my heart sink, but love the irony).
Hope your family problems get set soon. I'm missing your great posts.Let me say you something we would say here in Brazil: 'Muito Axé, Don'.
Hi Don
Thank you for the few lines, kept our worries away
A relief to know you're not dead. I hope the family issues are alleviated soon and to the benefit of all concerned.
We will wait. You take care.
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that you even have fans in Iceland! :)
Dear Don,
I showed my class your website yesterday and they were touched and inpsired by your entries.
Look forward to reading more insights from you soon.
Take care.
Glad to hear from you again. Thank God all is fine with you.
Just to let you know you have a friend at the other side of the globe.
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to praise."
~ Oprah Winfrey
I hope things go well with your family.
We will be waiting for enjoying your posts.
kudos to you for always haning in there even when the going gets tough! take what time and energy you need to tend to your family concerns--just promise to leave a few morsels once in a while.
Even silence can inspire....I am praying for you.
I am glad that you are well Don. Please take care of your family concerns and come share with us.
Hello Don!
I hope all goes well with you and your family.
Take care!
I became a fan shortly before you went "off line" and I find myself checking in often. I'm very keen for you to return.
You speak of topics dear to my heart.
I await your return eagerly.
hurry back Don we all miss you.
in the meantime---go visit my blog
beautiful travel photos
Hope all goes well.....thank you for letting us know
Thanks, Don. I was wondering what you were up to.
I'm another one of the many who have found their way onto your insightful blog. You've really inspired me! I showed your blog to some of my friends, and the verdict is unanimous: you and your writing are something to be treasured.
Best wishes for your family from all of us over here in Ohio. :)
I saw the title of your blog on someone elses links. I had to come and see how old you are. Did you know that there is ablog written by a 107 year old lady called Olive? (Its called 'The Life of Riley' if you want to take a look.)
haha. you are cheeky.
Good to know.. thank you for the update!
I just got here for the first time, so please post again so I can read you.
I also just found your blog and loved reading it. Please hurry back :)We all miss you and your talent for writing.
I heard about ur blog on TV. ;)
Wishing you a meaningful, colorful EASTER!
Please hurry back!!!!
Old Dude - You ROCK! Please right again so I can learn from your knowledge. I told all my high school friends about you and we all check you blog.
don, don't hurry back. if you're having family issues, they are WAY more important than us. you have a life besides your blogging , and ppl should just be patient. don't worry, we won't die without you =D
i hope you the best with your family!
its a big relief, to know that you are ok, and i iwsh you all the best with what ever in life is taking you time at the moment, you have such a great outlook on life and an ability to get your thoughts and thinking into the world and make a diffrence to the little people lifes, i.e mine, i wish you all the best and look forward to reading you next insight into like the universe and whats goes on.
Don, I just discovered your site and glad to find another senior "speaking" his mind.
I have a website of my own:
Carefree Retired Seniors - We do NOT suffer from CRS.
I will be linking to your site from mine because we have some common elements.
I think you are dead, but you just wont admit it!
An Icelandic fan is so HAPPY to see you'r back Don! All my best to you and your family.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Have you thought about the afterlife?
Are you a Christian?
For Him,
silence is golden and grand
So glad you're ok! It's quite here with my husband reading and my daughter quietly watching TV. I spoke out load saying "OHH NOO!" and gave them all a start. (being quite and all) Your choice on image gave me quite a start. LOL
I truly hope things clear up with whatever is going on with your family.
Sending you all my extra warm thoughts and well wishes!
Hi there Don. This is my first visit to your blog, but I'll be looking forward to reading more of your posts. :-)
Hi all - just a quick note to say that Don is still fine and hopes to get back to blogging in the not-too-distant future. As for the picture - as far as I know it wasn't his choice :)
Phew! He had me worried for a bit...
Where are you? Will you ever post again? I miss reading you...
Dearest Don:
(Hope you don't mind me calling you my dearest .. you truly are.) I am hoping all is well with you and your family. We are looking forward to hearing your soothing words soon.
Kind Regards
This is quite odd. :(
Come back and speak to us soon. We are all waiting, and hoping that you and your loved ones are well.
Bless you Don! We miss you and hope all is well. A tip of the hat and a clink of the glass to you dear sir.
I'm a great admirer of your writing and I miss your blogging very much. Hope everything is still well with you and you can grace us with your internetular presence soon.
Thank you for your interesting post!
I thought perhaps you may also find this related post interesting to you:
Longevity Lecture in Halifax
It'll be worth waiting for... :-)
Earth to Don????
I miss you, Don to Earth! I hope you are soon back to your bloggery self and that things are well with your family.
glad you are not dead, always good.
please update soon... we are all wondering how you and yours are faring.
be well.
I believe this blog died - too bad, it was a great blog.
Hope you come back soon and write some more for us Don..
Anonymous: Whilst Don lives on, this blog lives on!
Don is a legend and inspiration to us all - have some faith, please...
Don: Take as much time as you want. play things sage, and I hope all goes well, with your family. Best of luck, my ol' friend! ;)
I just found you today at the end of May...and I hope you reutrn soon!
Pray that you are fine!
Greetings from Norway.
I hope you are well Don, you are a true inspiration to all of us. Come back soon.
Take your time. The Blogosphere will await your return.
Don, let us knwo if things are okay.
happy to be the comment nember 100!
Hoper everything's OK
I happen to know that You are the oldest blogger and I will put your link to my blog.
i miss your posts!
Another reader sitting in suspense.
June 7th, 2007 - A worthy wait...
Don, are YOU okay?
Gosh, if you are not dead, then come back and reassure us. We are worried sick. - 20 June 2007
Don! Please post something!
we miss you - hope you're ok.
Great hearing from you.
Best wishes!
Good Evening Don
I found out about this blog on the program "The Hour" broadcasted 06/25/2007 and was captivated immediately I have spent the last couple of hours reading the most interesting history, I use to sit at my Grandparents table and listen to stories about "the early days" and was alway amazed how in the face of adversity one could always find something to smile about, I believe that my generation should step back to yester year and appreciate what has been done for us. I look forward to reading the next chapter All the best to you and yours
I saw you on The Hour on CBC. Thought is was interesting and with my Grandfather passing away, it makes me wonder what he was thinking in his final days. I'll keep checking back. I hope all goes well with your family.
I miss you Don. We don't know eachother, but I really really miss your wisdom. Ever few days I check your blog, and every few days I am dissapointed. Hope you are doing ok, your fan,
Where are you?
Mr. Crowdis,
I was introduced to your blog by a family member of yours - I am honored he shared this with me.
Your blog has, and continues to touch those in cyberspace - you are missed, loved and thought of by many! It is my hope you are healthy, content and in high spirits - may God be with you and your family.
Take care,
hikayeler - hikaye - fx15
Dear Don,
Did you not know that you are my Ghandi? Well, you are at least one of the Ghandis in my world today....please write soon, we miss you...one and all.
Hope you are well!
I miss reading your wisdom and recollections. Hope to see you back online soon.
All the best to you and yours.
I come across your blog this morning. It's a wonderful present for me. I love your blog. You inspire me.
My grandparents are the same age as you. But they don't blog.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I send my best wishes to you!
Good to see this. Wish you the best.
i have a bad feeling about Don. :(
We're still waiting for his new post.
i hope things are ok for your family, don. glad to hear you haven't passed on, though as albus dumbledore says "death is just another adventure"
best wishes my friend
Missing you!
If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey And asks you to show him your bum, do not show him your bum. This is a scam. He only wants to see your bum. I wish I had got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap. -The Bum http://www.widgetmate.com/posters Some of the best images available for free.
I can't believe it's been so long since the last post. I know Don doesn't do the typing so can the person who uploads for him PLEASE give us an update?
HI Don
Hope that all is well with you. Look forward to read your bloges.
Take Care
To whom it may concern,
I am just one of those fortunate ones who happened to stumble across this blog and thus was introduced to a very pleasant gentleman who had much to say that, so rare in this day and age, was truly genuine and valuable. Don may very well have been the oldest blogger on the planet, but it mattered little, for he was one of us and in his own humble way became the patriarch of a very large family, albeit a virtual one. That being said........
We miss him. We have been patient and allowed him to tend to his troubles, but now that we have given due time, we feel that perhaps both the best and worst has happened to our aged friend. The best I speak of is that perhaps he has completed the circle of life and has now reached those conclusions that we all know await us. The worst I speak of is that he has been removed from our vast family and we will have to continue on without those thoughts that have nurtured us, his virtual family. In such a case we are indeed bereft.
We doubt very seriously that Don did not have family, and we would assume that someone related to him and responsible for him also knows of this blog and is capable of signing on, if only in comments, and let us know what has become of our friend. We would be most grateful if one of you would take the time to let us know the ultimate reason for Don's absence for such an extended period so that we may seek closure if necessary, or hold him in our thoughts or prayers if he needs them.
We ask so little. Please let us know.
Don's friends, known and unknown
when will you be back?
Aug 19th
Any news?
To "the michael" and Don's many other and loyal friends,
August 20, 2007
Don is alive and well. In fact, he and his beloved Margaret are looking forward to celebrating their 68th wedding anniversary on August 22! He thinks of you a lot and plans to return to blogging. It was not his intention to lose contact with you - in fact, each and every one of you is special to him, far more than you would ever realise. It was circumstances beyond his control that put an abrupt halt to his blog, but keep posted and you will be pleasantly surprised!!! Many thanks for your loyalty and for making my Dad feel so special.
Thank You. As you can see your father has a loyal and loving 'audience' of friends. Good to hear all is well and I, for one, look forward to his return.
p.s. Happy Anniversary, Don!
Phew! Glad to hear that. Happy anniversary and looking forward to your return Don.
hi, i am a new blogger. please help me to teach how to upload my desired video to my blog. please let me know step by step
That's good to know. Keep in touch.
Said news from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Crowdis
"Died on the 22th of may due to a heart-attack while he was posting a new entry on hist blog entitled "I never felt so alive before in my life""
Can anyone confirm this? Please tell me this isn't true.
To Andrei Rosca and Don's other friends:
August 23, 2007, 12:05 PM:
Do not worry. I am one of Don's daughters and I can tell you that he is alive and well. He and Margaret celebrated their anniversary yesterday. Someone is either misinformed or has a warped mind and is playing a not-so-funny joke by adding that last paragraph to his Wikipedia entry. I talked to him five minutes ago. He is in great spirits and making plans for his day.
Great! Thanks
Lani and I wish your mom and dad a very happy 68th anniversary on August 22nd. Happy Birthday on the 24th also.
A very welcome relief to hear!
Best wishes across the ocean(s)
Gosh Don... been months since we heard from you..... and with all the rumours floating around here n there... please come back and fill us with your wisdom soon.... and take care..... missing you.
Still missing your entries. I truely hope you can give us an up date soon :(
Where are you?
I think it's the end of his life :(
Well, when you're 93, probably the last thing you want is to feel an obligation to thousands of people you don't know - you probably just want to focus on the people closest to you, and the things that really matter in your life!
Best wishes to Don, and if you blog again I'll read it happily, but if you don't at least we know you're enjoying family time.
Hi Don, Well, I am glad you are not dead as I did not have time to tell you how I enjoyed my afternoon talking to you last week at Honda. What an amzing man you are and what a full life you have had, if only half the people on the planet could accomplish what you have done, we would have a better world.
Then to find out that your wife was a MacLeod which is my name made my day. I told you there was a clan gathering in Ottawa next summer, here is the web site: www.macleodgathering2008.ca Hopefully you will be able to attend.
I will spend more time on your blog and enjoy your adventures.
All the best.
Hi Don,
Just discovered your blog today, and I want to applaud not only the quality of writing you have given us all, but the enduring wisdom in that shines through in all you write.
Reading your thoughts reminds me of the courage, fragility and beauty of the human spirit.
Thanks for being willing to share your thoughts with all of us.
Hi Don, I am just watching your "Portrait of a Canadian" on the CBC show "The Hour" and wanted to pop in to check out your blog. Sorry to hear that all is not well with your family, I give you and your family my best.
Thanks for the update...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Great to hear, looking forward to more. Take care!
By way of John Bowden's blog I have found my way here. You have a lot of really interesting post's to read and I look forward to spending more time here in future.
God Bless you!
Best wishes Don. We miss you!
Come back soon... your posts make my day. I hope all is well.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Was the last entry.. I keep checking but am fearing the worst. :(
I hope we hear from someone soon.
we miss you and your life experience
Still missing you, Don...
Hi Don:
Thank you for attending my performance on Sat., Nov. 24, 2007 - and also for speaking with me after the show. Congratulations on you accomplishments and most of all for being sooooo'young at heart' - you have more energy than some of the young people I've encountered in my professional life. Hope to see you again in the near future. Keep up the great work - young man.
Don -
Here's hoping that you're still alive & kicking!! Wish you all the best.
It's been nine months...
Where is Don?
Being an Australian... now living in America... I will be honest in saying that I have never heard of you (I am sure that is nice to hear sometimes) but by chance I stumbled across your site... I must say that I really enjoy your writing... when I read what you are writing I find myself deep in what you are saying... it isn't often I find people doing that to me. Do hope all is well... best of luck...
I hope your blog stays online, even if you never post again. You have the most amazing writing style. I've really enjoyed perusing (and reading) through your older posts...stay here please!
Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you, Don!
Happy New Year Don and family!!! Wishing you love, health, and happiness in 2008!!! Be well and post soon, we miss your wisdom!
I just discovered your blog tonight after 'google-ing' my own name and finding yours on zoominfo.com!
I am an art curator at Cape Breton University Art Gallery in Sydney, Nova Scotia, and read with delight that you too were a curator. Also, i find you look like my grandfather, Ivan Crowdis.
I hope your health is well. I would love to speak further with you if that would be ok.
Suzanne A. Crowdis
Sydney, Nova Scotia
He is dead?!
"Don to Earth" has remained in my blog roll for a long time, but now we are pressing nearly a year without update.
Form the comments we can't tell too much as there is no date - just the time and over a year that becomes meaningless.
So - here my questions - what the situation with Don, and should I keep this blog in my blogroll?
Don has moved! Check out his new blog - http://dontoearthagain.wordpress.com/
To all the many people who've been asking for information on Don and his blog:
Don is my grandfather and I can tell you he's doing fine. He didn't intend to take this long hiatus from the world of blogging and in fact has been writing ever since the last entry here. I've been meaning to set up the new blog for a long time, and it's really my fault that you haven't heard anything until now.
I hope you'll all enjoy the new site - you'll find it at www.dontoearthagain.com. Some of Don's writing from the past year is up already and there's much more to follow.
Thank you all for the kind messages posted here, they've been very much appreciated. Apologies once again for the delay in replying.
Hi Don: I met you in your office in Halifax in 1965. In 1970 I was in a doctor's waiting for my appointment and was unaware there was a radio program on in the background. The announcer said "OK Mr. Crowdis" (introducing Don Crowdis) and I got up from my chair and started to go into the doctor's office before I realized my mistake. Since we are related it is easy to see that you have that "Crowdis Look" and in fact you look nearly identical to my uncle John Crowdis who is also 93 and fit as a fiddle. Are you aware there was a detailed history of the Crowdis Family published in the US a few years ago? In any case I have a number of aunts who are over 100 so hope you reach that age as well.
Best of Luck, Ray Crowdis
thank god...
I might suggest that since the blog has moved and so many people are interested, that you create a new post announcing the move. Most people are not going to scroll 175 comments to see the information.
This would benefit your readers and for those of us who had you in our feeds, we would be notified.
best to all
dilkman - you're right of course, and I would love to add a new post to this blog but unfortunately I'm not able to do so, for reasons I can't really go into here.
Please do do something to let the world know that Don is still writing. I know many of us have missed his posts badly.
W00t you blog at 94, i just dream to that kinda age. all the good wishes from me for ur family, happy blogging
Don, if you're well enough to update I wish you would do so.
Dear Don,
I hope you are fine and in the best of health. I pray for you to age another 100 years
I am writing you from Afghanistan. I was searching the oldest blogger around the world and i am very happy i found you.
I am teaching blogging for journalists and writers here in Kabul and they asked me who is the oldest blogger.
Now i am introducing you for them.
Afghan LORD
from Afghanistan
you can visit my blogs here:
Don, where are you my friend?
Don has moved
I love this blog, thanks for sharing.
- George Ya76oo
Hello, my name is Violeta Facio. I am an student of psicology in the University of Sevilla interested in searching some information about the use of the internet in old people. I am sorry if my language is not very correct but I am Spanish and I don´t have too much knowledges of English language.
The reason why I am writting to you is to ask you if you could answer some easy and short questions for me in order to help me in my project.
So, if you can give me any e-mail to contact with you I will send you the questions hoping you answer them and send them back to me.
Thankyou very much,
I look forward to hear from you.
I forgot!, my e-mail adress is Vio_Fashion@hotmail.com
where are you at?
It is great to see so many admirers of yours... after reading your blogs I have become your fan too...
Sahasi from American temples
Dear Don,
How are you? I love your blog, please please come back! Azu
You are really increadible man!!!
Hi Don! Apparently you are a legend. Did you know that? I only just found out and that's why I'm here. (You're going global, Don!)
Don, found you by accident. Turning forty in 18 days. feeling strange about it. seems ridiculous when you're in your 90's. Any advice.
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As a new blogger I am relieved to know you are still around. I look forward to reading more of your honest and beautiful insight.
HI Бdonald. I from Mongolia
WHAT update, it has been two years! Are you among the living, or are you crossed to the other side. Stop this madness and put up a new post even if you have to talk to someone else to do the typing. In any rate, God Bless You Don to Earth!
My name is Dylan and I assist a nonagenarian blogger. Please check out his webiste/blog at http://nonagenarians.weebly.com and e-mail him. Thank you
Good day !.
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