Blogs: Servant, Master, Or Free Mouthpiece?

Blogs are wonderful. Vanity is served at once. If you don't listen, it is your fault. Also, by the very nature of the medium, your audience sorts itself out. Readers don't pay anything, so they really can't complain. Anyone can join in, rebut, whatever -- surely this is democracy, whatever that is, at its most lively and pushy. In the realm of human communication, blogs seem to me to be the atomic units that transistors are in the world of digital devices that surround us.
Having said all this, I am careful, questioning, and a little frightened about the future. I do not think that we, with our unique facility of language, are to be trusted with much. But at the same time, I don't want to stop the momentum of whatever it is that will emerge from the tunnel. Stay tuned.
Hi Don
Blogs are, in part, a reaction, be it conscious or sub-conscious, to the dearth of truthful and relevant content from the established media conglomerates. In a blog the political and corporate weights around peoples' necks are, largely, thrown.
To quote from Jurrasic Park, "Nature has found a way".
Dear Don, it's so nice to read you. I love your writing style, and am glad a friend told me about you. I was brought up in Cape Breton, and although, younger than you, I'm catching up. I'm just starting to blog, getting my sea legs. I worked as a newsanchor at CBC in Halifax, must be 100 years ago. And then moved to Toronto. I go east with my kids every summer, nothing can keep me away.
You are an inspiration, I'm so happy I found you.
Sharon Dunn (
Dear Don:
Congratulations! No matter what age or what technological challenge is placed at your feet, you seem to overcome it with ease and flair--blogs included.
I tried writing an exercise blog but then there is only so much you can write about exercise. I've given up after two months.
I'd rather do the replying. It's much more refreshing standing in the background and watching you shine at your very best.
I think blogs are all three of those at once, Don. I am impressed by the blog too. It keeps us thinking and that has to be a good thing, right?
Blogs are an important part of human interaction now. With the traditional media being overrun by commercial interests with shareholders and advertisers (who have their own shareholders) to appease, the small voice of the everyman needed an outlet.
It is important for people from all walks of life and all generations people to become bloggers (as you have) to write their thoughts and opinions because this is how we advance the society, the "blog-sphere" is the town hall of today and the future.
We have been given a place to write our opinions and thoughts and allow others to critique them. (And just like old town halls we have the right to listen or ignore the response) That is why I am inclined to believe you when you say blogs "equals the invention of the printing press".
I honestly believe open communication with everyone from everywhere is our only hope for avoiding self-destruction as a species.
With your credentials (being your life's work),I will carefully listen to what you have to say on the issues. that you chose to write about, whether they get political or not. You have the experience, I have the time. I come as a willing student. Thank you for being a teacher.
Hi Don
For some reason, blogs have become integral in many people's lives, and respect to you for diving into the blogging world head first!
Then, referring to a previous post, I don't think you should feel responsible in any way for what you post on your blog. The nature of blogging is pretty much dictated by voyeurism... for some reason, we love to pry into lives of people we don't know. Ask any tabloid editor. The fact that there are people reading your thoughts does not mean you should have to take them into account. I hope there are many more insightful posts to come!
From Koekie (South Africa)
I'm new at blogging (and love your's, by the way), but have found it addictive, and in many ways, efficient. (That, of course, doesn't count my random browsing). Like many, many out there - I am a busy working mom and professional. For me it has been an outlet, a way to stay in touch with many at once, a way to keep from repeating myself, to meet new people and fresh ideas, and a way for me to stay better informed.
It's amazing how things change, but wonderful to participate in it all. I commend you and I'll keep reading!
Blogs certainly comprise a significant advance of the public dialog and of the exchange of ideas.
I agree that we can only be trusted so much. So, I think, it has been for many millennia, and the jury remains out.
Dialog and exchange of ideas has generally proved the best solution to date, however messy.
Blogs have already become a formidable force for rejuvenation in a stagnated journalism industry and in a detached political system.
Hello! ;)
wow... what disturbed newz!
what do U consider about it?
Hi Don,
Present busy life reading blogs of others ( experienced person like you)give some inspirationan and some sort thinking.
By reading your blogs I got to know so many things.
Its wonderful!!! Keep going
If you are like me, you have noticed that the lust for information and connectivity is currently ruling peoples lives. Take the fellow with the Bluetooth permenantly jammed in his ear, or the endless parade of men in a grocery store on their cellphone with their wives, asking what to bring home when they damn sure could've written it on a sticky note. Must be connected at all times... Must be always available...
Even now, as I write this comment, I am aware that I haven't posted to my own blog for a while, and the sudden dry spell of information to the few who read it might lead them to believe I was dead. And, to the information reality, a few days does in fact mean death, at least as a function of attention span. It is truly unfortunate that the act of stopping to think for a while is now no longer considered living fully. Oh wait - actually, now they call it 'meditation' and charge you for it.
I belive there will be a dip in this sine wave soon, as I am sure you know is the pattern of all things. Until then, enjoy the manic farce that has developed from the information age. And beware the trappings of a completely connected existance. It's not so easy to call yourself back together on command when pieces of you are scattered all over.
Don, first I have to say that reading your blog has been a delight- as a young woman, reading it gives me hope for and faith in my future.
To respond to your post (and your comments)- I don't think the need to be connected at all times is really anything new. What is new is the outlet (of the Internet). As traditional ways of connectedness begin to fail, the blogosphere becomes the "town hall" of today. Because we do not have physical town halls where we feel we are being heard, we turn to cyberspace to use our voices. I like to think that we are just taking back what we have been trusted with in the past.
Hi Don, nice to meet you. I was led to your blog for the first time tonight by a link from another blog. And I'm so glad I clicked it! Your writing is insightful and fun to read!
And I agree, this realm is a very democratic medium. We can each write as we please and read those we enjoy. And in turn, those who choose to read us are there by their own free will. What makes it so fascinating is that some readers return over and over as we establish connections to people we never have the opportunity to meet in our day to day lives.
I'm glad I found you. I will return!
KUDOS and THANKS for a BLOGIFICENT read! Keep them coming. I'd like to toss an idea into this chorus of magnificently creative minds. Maybe, just maybe blogs are an amazing art form that will transform the 21st Century...
"Art (blogs) are that which, despite all, gives hope! Art (blogs) are that which contribute, however minutely, infinitesimally, to the regeneration of our world."
--Frederick Franck--
Cheers to you!
Royce in Key West Florida
Actully we are free to choose our friends i the blogdom. Free to say what we want. Free opinions etc etc.
WE connect to like mindedpeople and friendship just develops from there. I am glad about the blogosphere!
I'm interested in what you say about being careful and questioning, and a little frightened of the future. I am an addicted blogger, and like to "let it all hang out", by which I mean speaking honestly about what it is like to be old (I am 79), for one thing, and revealing a great deal about myself and my personal life. Now and again I panic and wonder if I am exposing myself to unforeseen risks. But then most of the time,I reckon I have nobody to please but myself now (except my children and grandchildren of course)and I carry on as before. Like other of your commenters, I believe it can only be beneficial for us to communicate openly and freely across the globe in this way.
And as you say ... Oh! the vanity of it!!!
Blog is just something due to developing of the Internet.It belongs to this times.Maybe some years later,this kind of technology be out of date.But what people thinks and writes retain whatever types they use.
Blogs are indeed a revolution Don. It's amazing at how fast they became popular. Almost all of my friends have blogs! I have one too, and surprisingly enough, so does my mother.
Blogs are all three. They are the free mouthpiece that allows your voice to be carried to a limitless amount of readers. It is your servant in the way that you command what content is displayed on it. It is your master in the way that it may become life changing. Many people are earning their living blogging, most of their revenue eitehr coming from being paid, or through ads.
Blogs, along with social networking sites such as MySpace, YouTube, etc are the fundamental basics of our digital democracy and lifestyle. Blogs give everyone the power to make a change in the world.
Hi Don, did you know your blog is one of 2000 listed on the site:
Your friendly picture is on the left side, in the top half. This is not a joke. You are among the famous. Please keep on blogging!
I think that in the anonymous world of hypertext,cyber-culture, personal blogs have sprung up as wild flowers out of cement. We all have seen those intrepid long weeds or dandelions that are given so little soil nourishment they appear to survive on thin air. The voice of the small blogger is the large voice of humanity refusing to be silenced in an existential era. Having said all that I will also say "Hi- glad that I found your blog."
Blogs are the great leveling field as they give voice to anyone who has access to this medium. Unfortunately, those people living under a totalitarian government do not have such an opportunity even as they yearn to be free.
Just curious. How do you go about finding the right picture for your blog each time?
Saluti dall'Italia.Michele.
Dear Don
I read about you on an Italian newspaper this morning - they have written an article about you and other fellow bloggers of your age :) (
So I checked your blog out and read some of your posts, which are really beautifully written and inspiring. I think it's great what you are doing - keep doing it! I just recently lost my grandad who was 100 years old. Your wisdom and enthusiasm remind me of him - all the best,
Hi, Don. This is my first visit to your blogpage and it's pretty doggone nice!
I started a website about 7 years ago, just using it at the moment to store political stuff & articles too darn good to throw away, [It's hard to be humble] then fell into blogging 5 years ago. And I am just a kid of 76 yrs. old. Did I mention *humility* is not one of my virtues?
I am caught up at the moment in a quickie blog about a Spanish woman who turned 95 last December and from there I am going to a Swedish man's blog (he's 94). I found Senora Maria Amelia while going thru my sitemeter...saw this unknown URL there and moseyed on over to it. She had my blogpage's address on her "list" of bloggers!
It always amazes me when a surprise like that pops up. How did Senora Amelia (well, her grandson probably) find my blog? Hmmm, it is a puzzlement. lol
Well, I just wanted to pop in and say Hello..I must get back to my blog composition before all the words I might want to use start disappearing into cyberspace.
Anyway, it's nice to find yet another old person, (that would be you) thru Joe's Ageless Project. You have the distinction of being the only blog owner listed in the "1910s" decade page. How's that for recognition of the famous?
You can e-mail your autograph to me if you wish. Or stop in at my blogpage?
I very recently wrote a post of a similar nature on why I blog. I do it for reasons that are even unknown to myself.
I really like your perspective on blogs and am very happy to have stumbled across yours. I'm back to exploring this blogging phenomenon hope to come back and read many more of your future posts.
I have just found your blog. I look very forward to reading what you write. I am sure someone who is been on this earth for 90 + years has a lot to teach me.
Very well said Don.
As a general comment rather than just a specific one on this post, I would like to thank you for sharing your ideas, perspectives, and interpretations on your blog. I have been a "lurker", reading your blog for a while, but not commenting, so I wanted at least this time to go on record as saying that I really appreciate your blog.
I have referred your blog to my children and their thoughtful friends as well as to my own friends for your ideas, your perspective, your commentary on important topics, as well as for the sensitivity that you exemplify on this blog. This is the best application of blogging that I can think of.
As for me .. I am grateful that excellent communicators such as you can use blogs to be independent voices, and via blogs can get their views published without needing the approval of editors or managing directors or etc. so please keep on blogging. You are a great teacher and mentor, and an inspiration and role model for bloggers.
On a personal note, I also miss the insights of my own parents, who have been gone for some time now, so I truly appreciate the wisdom that only comes from someone with a long term perspective, as well as from someone who has clearly adapted to changing times but who also has the depth of knowledge honed by years of life experience. So I hope that you will continue to share this with us.
I'd identify myself happily, were it not for that fact that my corporate employer might have a problem with that, so until I am in retirement I reluctantly remain anonymous. Sadly, we are not all at liberty (if we wish to remain employed) to express our views, even on blogs ...
Many thanks to you. Please keep it up. Clearly the TIA (if that is what it was) has not impeded any of your cognitive brain functions. Many thanks to you.
i think that blogging is kind of like keeping a journal, except it's not private. you still get to express yourself, and give your insights and stuff. very cool, even for a 15 year old =)
Don, I just discovered your site and glad to find another senior "speaking" his mind.
I have a website of my own:
Carefree Retired Seniors - We do NOT suffer from CRS.
I will be linking to your site from mine because we have some common elements.
Good design!
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Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
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Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
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640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
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Save the whales, collect the whole set
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
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Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Wonderful blog.
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