Because my wife is in a nursing home -- one of several types
of institutions specializing in reasonably comfortable, but very
expensive, accommodations for senior adults -- my finances,
which were looking better than for a long time, need careful
Leave us begin with credit cards, most of which "save money" by
allowing us to "take advantage" of golden, silver and brass
opportunities, sometimes in very far away lands, where you can
get great bargains by spending a few thousand to get there and,
of course, back again (by this point in the sentence, I've
forgotten who's taking advantage of whom). If I seem to be
casting doubt on all these prospects and their premises, of course
it is intentional. Anyway, back to my title, and the fact that I
hold title to such a card, at least until AmEx gets tough with me,
which I sincerely hope never happens.
To feel prosperous, I took out American Express a few years ago,
and since I have an inherited Presbyterian conscience about money,
I keep it paid with a
warm feeling
about these nice folks allowing me into this exclusive club of
countless millions. I have an
AmEx Gold Card,
as well as a regular one, for all of which I pay an annual fee.
But since these days there seem to be so many other credit angels
offering me free money, I must stop and rein in the vanity, because
that is all it is -- I refer you to Ecclesiastes:
"All is vanity".
Unfortunately, since this is a blog post, which for me begins its life
on the written page, my time has run out. To my
I've kept within my self-imposed one-page limit.