Cannibals All (or: You Eat What You Are)

Seriously, the best food, or at least the best protein, is that which is most like our own. Of course, eating others of our kind gives rise to social problems, and is rare as a result, but it happens. In times past, among some of the Pacific Islands peoples, since a butchered human very much resembled a butchered pig, it was referred to as "long pig". I presume these cannibals ate only their enemies, not their family members, no matter how tasty they may have looked. Most of us have accepted that humans are precious in the sight of God, while ordinary pig, or "short pig", is OK nutrition.
Disturbingly, the fact remains that protein is best when nearest our own, but religious leaders, politicians, and relatives are against what this implies. Long pig is nutritionally ideal, however stick to the shorter variety. Next time you're stranded on a desert island with a small group of people, and you're tempted to change your ethical stance, ask your priest or lawyer first. Fish is good.
Well, removing the taboos against eating "long pig" is one solution to the population problem. But I dunno. I don't think those "lady fingers" would make a very good tiramisu.
And think of the trans fats! lol
While the protein most like your own is best, you also run the risk of contracting nasty diseases.
Feeding cows to cows resulted in mad cow disease.
As far as disease risk goes, you just need to make sure the long pig is well-done.
There is a fascinating book on this topic by Beth Conklin, called (seriously) Consuming Grief.
Cooking doesn't tale care of prions, which are the culprits behind both mad cow disease and kuru.
Yes, but not eating brain / spinal cord tissue does solve that little problem... it does mean no scrambled brains for breakfast, however. The Australian cannibals will be disapointed.
yeah, 'best protein' depends on the definition.
All you need to know about Kuru (although there is an interesting documentary out there as well):
reminds me of something churchill said:
"Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
Which says as much about us as pigs.
Isn't it long pig because we taste like prok??
According to a recent piece I read on the subject, some cannibals who eat human flesh from within their own community do so by convincing themselves that their victims have ceased to be humans and in fact have become witches, which are perfectly fine to eat. Seems odd but we make a very similar mental construction when we differentiate between the animals we eat and pets.
Where you say "the best protein, is that which is most like our own", how did you come to that conclusion ?
Nutrients obtained from food need to be balanced out against other nutrients for optimal use. Excess nutrients are excreted when passing water, stored in the liver or kidneys.
The prime reason for eating meat is really to do away for the need to balance out nutrients obtained from eating ourselves by taking them from an animal that has already done the job of digesting, and thus balancing out the nutrients. Other reasons for eating meat include the availability of food in harsh climates.
The proteins obtained from meat are actually not that great for us as there is a lot of digestion to be done to obtain them.
I think a fellow named Swift talked about eating small long pig a few Irish generations ago. :-)
I think you'll find that it's not just the enemy that was consumed. Take a look at this link for more info.....
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license, graduating from high school, going to your senior prom, having your first date and having your first beer.
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back to when YOU had your first beer. It was pretty nasty tasting. Let's be honest, beer is bitter and is an
acquired taste. Very few people, if any at all, enjoyed their first beer. Many even get sick after it because of the
taste or the fact that they're not used to the alcohol yet.
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The history of perfume goes back to Egypt, although it was prevalent in East Asia as well. Early perfumes were based on incense, not chemicals, so aromas were passed around through fumes. The Roman and Islamic cultures further refined the harvesting and manufacturing of perfumery processes to include other aromatic ingredients.
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Brew low cost beer. The amount of time you spend on brewing beer makes the small difference in cost between "just OK"
ingredients and top quality ingredients a minor point. Either way, the cost of brewing a 5 gallon batch is much cheaper
than buying a couple of cases of beer in the store.
Beer is made of cheap ingredients, so it doesn't hurt to buy the best. Surprisingly, the cheapest way to brew beer gives
you the best results: all grain brewing is the cheapest way to brew when grain is bought in bulk.
You do need a grain mill and a mash tun, so there is a small investment in equipment needed. But you should be able to brew
excellent quality beer for less than $2 per gallon, and you could brew a mild ale for as little as $1 per gallon, or less
than 10 cents per bottle (one gallon is about 10-1/2 12oz bottles). Most of my pilsners are about $1.50 a gallon brews.
Other ways to reduce the cost of your beer are by growing your own hops and reusing yeast from the fermenter. Easy to do,
and it means that I don't have to buy yeast more than once every half year or so. The hops should last e through most of
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Beer Brewing Equipment Basic, simple, cheap equipment that gets the job done. Sometimes it adds to the challenge. But
through the mystique of brewing and remember that illiterate alewives brewed for centuries using tried and true recipes and
procedures before the dawn of kegerators, ph meters or hydrometers.
Beer Keg Brewing. After using bottles for years, you can jump to the corny keg (Cornelius keg). This is an important step
because it makes brewing so much easier. You can still bottle, but just a few bottles per batch, and use a corny keg to
fill the bottles. You can use corny kegs as secondary fermenting vessels. You can try out method where you leave the beer
in the primary for about two weeks until it clears nicely, and then upi carefully siphon it over to a corny, avoiding
transferring any trub.
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i think it is cool because the diagream of the bone is 50'000000 calsium i think well any way the prusiut is coaleadycool
well acully removing the taboos agants eating is imposible to my calculation like ken said all you are really doing is killing are animals killing our food also so if crul peole do that those animals can come itstinked and then us humans can die
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So, I don't actually believe this will work.
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